This is a guide for new users who wish to invest in PieDAO products. It explains the process step-by-step. In the tutorial we’ll buy tokens for the $PLAY index as an example, but the process is the same for any other PIE.

The screenshots are from a desktop browser. The page layouts are similar on mobile but depend on your device.

Table of Contents


To perform crypto transactions two software components are needed, a web browser and a wallet. These are typical for transacting in the Ethereum ecosystem on which PieDAO is built:

  1. Use an up-to-date web browser such as Firefox, Brave, Chrome, Opera, or Edge.
  2. Get a browser extension named MetaMask which will act as your crypto wallet. This is its website:

For installing MetaMask there’s an excellent detailed guide at: “How to use MetaMask: A step by step guide”.

The gist of it is:

Now you have a working cryptocurrency wallet. The next step is to deposit funds.

Your MetaMask wallet has a public address used for receiving cryptocurrency. It’s a series of 42 characters. The beginning and end of the address are shown under the account name (Account 1 in the screenshot). You can copy the address by clicking the little Copy icon to the right of the address segment.

Funding Your Wallet